A1 First Prayer. 5:43
A2 Sola Fide I. 5:15
A3 Sola Fide II. 7:53
B1 Second Prayer. 4:41
B2 Blessed Are The Dead Whiche Dye In The Lorde. 5:47
B3 Hétoïmasia. 7:08
C1 Third Prayer. 3:57
C2 Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice. 6:32
C3 Odivm Nostrvm. 6:46
C4 Jvbilate Deo (O Be Joyfvl In The Lord) 6:07
D1 Carnal Malefactor. 11:45
D2 Drink The Devil's Blood. 4:32
D3 Malign Paradigm. 3:40
“The Long Defeat” unfolds over three parallel storylines told via three different mediums. Two in writing: the lyrics, as well as a fable. The third speaks through the artwork – two metres’ worth of maniacally detailed visions depicting the same premise its written content draws from. All three are fundamentally entwined but diverging in narrative, each complementing or contradicting the others.