EIS - Bannstein - DIGI CD
EIS Bannstein



country: GER
label: Prophecy
year: 2015
format: DIGI CD
Condition: New

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Dark, menacing Black Metal with classic Nordic riffs and majestic fury is still focal, yet ultimately only the foundation of the album. On top of it, the group heaps deeply melancholic passages ("Im Noktuarium", "Über den Bannstein"), painfully sluggish parts and catchy melodies ("Fern von Jarichs Gärten") besides thoughtful moments ("Im Schoß der welken Blätter") that never seem arbitrary but strongly connected with the lyrical content. Thus Eïs take an impressive next step towards their artistic peak; on "Bannstein", multifaceted Extreme Metal conflates with profound verse to create a multidimensional whole.

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