NEO INFERNO 262 - Pleonectic - DIGI CD
NEO INFERNO 262 Pleonectic



country: FRA
label: Necrocosm
Released at: March 27, 2023
format: DIGI CD
Condition: New

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Combining all kinds of extreme music (Metal, Electro, Indus...) and new technical processes (AI-generated), Neo Inferno 262 questions the place of man in art, and more generally the role of humans in a world that is being emptied of its flesh and meaning.

A.K. (Merrimack, Decline of the I, Vorkreist, Eros Necropsique...) is the main organizer, and has collaborated on this opus with L.Helheim (Ex-Moonreich), Déhà (Wolvennest, Silver Knife...), MKM (Antaeus , Aosoth...), Saint Vincent (Seth, Blacklodge, Vorkreist...), Bornyhake (Borgne...), BST (Order of Apollyon, Sotherion, ex-Aosoth...) Heimoth (Seth), Krys ( Ophe, ex-Demande à la poussière), Berzerk (Sektarism, Faction Senestre, Malhkebre…), S. (Ars Veneficium), Dehn Sora (Treha Sektori, Throane...), L. (Mourning Dawn...), Arnhwald (Deathcode Society...), S. (Owl cave), NRK (Blacklodge).